Check out the videos below for advice and suggestions on how to live a happy retirement.

Happy viewing….

Youtube retirement video

Rethink Retirement. TED Talk. Click here…

Youtube retirement video

Four stages of retirement. Click here…

life study happiness

Life long studies showing the importance of good relationships for mental and physical health in retirement and old age. Click here….

is retirement bad for the brain youtube video

Is retirement bad for the brain? Click here….

Recommended Channels.

Green Renaissance is a Youtube channel dedicated to telling the stories of the older generation and lessons they have learned.

Each video is typically about ten minutes in length and features a different elderly speaker. 

The speaker talks directly to camera and tells their story.

It’s a very gentle, easy watch with lots of wise words from each contributor.

In their words;

‘We are on a journey to inspire change – creating beautiful, meaningful stories. Through our films, we explore what it means to be human – we share conversation with ordinary people doing extraordinary things. We’ve always said that if each film touches just one person, fills them with a bit more hope, or leaves them feeling more inspired, then it has achieved its goal.


Click here to view….


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